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写真:英伸三(上海 和平飯店前)
劉薇(Liu Wei), ヴァイオリニスト・音楽博士


日本各地で演奏のほか、海外では米国カーネギーホール(2000)、北京中央音楽学院ホール“馬思聡生誕90周年作品シンポジウム2002”(中国文化部主催)で「馬思聡晩年未発表作品劉薇リサイタル」。2009年中国江南3都市コンサートツアー。2011年貴州省公演、シルクロード蘭州、新疆コンサートツアー、広州芸術祭・国際演芸 交易会招待演奏。アイルランド(2007年)、スペイン(2008年)、カナダ(2014年、2017年)で演奏を行う。


これまで馬思聡のヴァイオリン作品集CD3巻と西洋名曲集《珠玉の名曲集》、《日本のヴァイオリン作品集》、ラテン音楽集《鳥の歌〜平和への歌》、《ヘンデルのヴァイオリンソナタ集》など計7枚のCDを発表している。 日本の主な新聞に取り上げられるほか、NHKテレビ・FMラジオ「名曲リサイタル」などにも出演している。2016年来日30年記念劉薇ヴァイオリンリサイタルを紀尾井ホールで開催。


Liu Wei, Violinist/Doctor of Music
The great violinist and teacher Takaya Urakawa〜
“A sense of passion with lyricity and brilliance of the Japanese who built their own ground in the music world and obtained a doctorate degree”.

Liu Wei was born in China and began to study the violin at the age of seven (started to study the music with her father at the age of three). After graduating from the Xian Conservatory of Music in China and became a violin teacher at the conservatory. She moved to Japan in 1986, studied at Toho Gakuen School of Music and finished her Master’s course and doctoral dissertation ”The Process of Acceptance and Internalization of Western Music in China〜Research on Sitson Ma (1912-1987) as a Violinist and Composer” at Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, earned D.M.A (Dr. of Music).

Since then she has performed on numerous occasions further cultural exchange between China and Japan. In particular, she has been highly esteemed as a specialist on Sitson Ma, a composer and violinist influential in Chinese history, and was the first musician to introduce Ma’s unknown works to the world (including the Violin Concerto in F Major). She also introduced works by modern Japanese composers into her performances, including Akio Yashiro’s unpublished violin sonata. Her introduction of little-Known but significant Japanese compositions has been applauded in Japan. She held solo recitals all over Japan and the China. In 2000 she was performed at Carnegie Hall in New York, Ireland (2007), Spain (2008), Canada (2014 and 2017). In 2002 She invited by ‘Peking Sitson Ma Works Symposium〜commemoration ceremony of Ma’s 90th Birthday’, and performing recital of unpublished works of the Sitson Ma she had unearthed. She has also performed at NHK-Hall with New Janpan Philharmonic Orchestra, and held ‘chamber-music concert with member of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra and Dresden Semperoper.

She has been recorded for NHK TV and FM radio,
picked up by many Japanese newspapers, also made CD-recordings, including the Siston Ma works three album (concerto, 2sonata, 4suite, 11pieces), favorites pieces ’SCHON ROSMARIN’, JAPANESE FAMOUS VIOLIN WORKS, EL CANT DELS OCELLS〜La Pau, HANDEL VIOLIN SONATAS. ‘ The Nippon Music Foundation lent her a Guarneri del Gesu ‘Muntz’violin made in 1736.

「She frequently gives talks about her musical experiences during the Cultural Revolution(1966-1976) in China based on the theme “A Life of Music Pursued by a Father and Daughter,” and she lectures on “A View of Asia-the Arts in China” at Kyoritsu Women’s University. In addition to her musical performances, she also held healthy cooking workshops and lectures based on her own experience of improving her kidney disease to encourage and support people who suffer from the same disease and other illness. She has published a healthy recipe book and a book about how she faces her kidney disease. Receives a marital kidney transplantation 2019」
